Star Wreck 2π: Full Twist, now!
Star Wreck: 2π: Full Twist, now!
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Episode guide
Star Wreck 2π: Full Twist, now! AKA Star Wreck 2pi is a semi-canon spin-off feature set in the Star Wreck universe, released in 2012 by Polybos Studio. It was filmed by an international team from Switzerland, Norway, Finland, and Germany.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Star Wreck 2π tell the story of Captain Stöcklin who has lead a mission to test a new prototype spaceship-drive. Like in all Star Wreck movies something HAS TO GO WRONG and this leads straight into an interstellar war with the largest Star Wreck space battle ever. Of course the movie does not miss other action scenes or typical Star Wreck elements like boarding and ground-fighting with aliens, Emperor Pirk's famous outburst of fury or even a spaceship crash into the Emperor's palace.
Plot[edit | edit source]
The story begins with Captain Stöcklin in transit to P-Fleet's shipyards, narrating into his journal how he joined P-Fleet. He recalls how the world changed after Pirk's conquest of Earth and how he enlisted with P-Fleet on a drunken whim. After finishing training, he applied for an experimental ship program, and shortly thereafter became captain. Upon arrival to the shipyards, Stöcklin boards the CPP Twister-1 - one of the twin-prototype space-ships outfitted with an experimental Hadron Twist Drive - and has to take it for a test-run. The launch goes as planned, but then malfunctions start, causing the twin-ships to spiral out of control, flying off to a faraway corner of space, accidentally trespassing into the territory of the Dramakulian Empire, and destroying the mining operation on one of their planets. The Dramakulians consider this an act of war and launch an attack on the Twister ships. Twister-1 is boarded and captured, most of its crew is either killed or imprisoned, but Stöcklin manages to escape through an airlock to Twister-2, where he is put in a space-suit in order to warm up after going out into space. As Twister-2 tries to flee, it collides with one of the Dramakulian ships and gets destroyed. Stöcklin is the sole survivor, because the explosion thrusts him out into space. Using a grappling hook, he manages to infiltrate a Dramakulian ship and stows away on it. Meanwhile the Dramakulians plan to retaliate on P-Fleet, and decide to reverse-engineer Twister-1's Hadron drive to reach Earth quicker. Stöcklin gets brought to Rigel 12-4, where Twister-1's technology is to be analysed by the Dramakulians. He leaves his hiding spot and begins to fight through the guards, eventually making his way to his ship and escaping. Apparently the Dramakulians have had enough time to study the Hadron drive, as their fleet managed to follow the Twister back to Earth, and attacked just as Stöcklin attempted to present his report to Pirk. A massive space battle ensues with P-Fleet throwing everything it has at the invaders, including its flagship, the CPP Kickstart, helmed by Commander Dwarf. After the Dramakulian flagship's failed attack on Pirk's capital, Dwarf gives the order that the enemy fleet is to be annihilated. Twister-1 meanwhile, is floating around helplessly, with debris crashing into it, unable to participate in the battle. Its engines have been destroyed, and as a prototype it never had any weapons. Suddenly, a shot from an enemy ship activates its Hadron drive, and it starts quickly flying towards Earth. Stöcklin does whatever he can to prevent the crash, and succeeds in stopping the ship just short of crushing Pirk himself. As punishment for starting a war with the Dramakulians, and for causing damages, Pirk court-marshals Stöcklin and imprisons him on P-Fleet's first asteroid-prison.
Cast[edit | edit source]
- Cedric Gerold - Captain Ugo Bruno Stöcklin
- Andre Rickenbacher:
- Charlotte Isernhagen - Cmd. Katrin Wüthrich
- Antti Hukkanen - Admiral Nykänen
- Stig Magnus Gjerald - Captain Lars Monsen
- Samuli Torssonen - Emperor James B. Pirk
- Timo Vuorensola - Commander Dwarf
- Angela Ruggero - Cmd. Pomodore Stracciatella
- Mariann Mikes - Lt. Elisabeth Pichler
- Carl L. Mikes - Lt. Franz Joseph Huber
- Saskia Neidold - Drill Sergeant
- Silvan Surber:
- Alexandra Gussek - Dramakulian Captain (cruiser)
- Sabrina Ilgenstein - Dramakulian Lieutenant (cruiser)
- Mikko Lintula - Lt. Kimi Häkkinen
- Väinö Kukri - Ensign Mikka Räikkönen
- Stig Toshiro K. Bremseth - Cmd. Arne Treholt
- Rune Berg-Nielsen - Lt. Peter Petersen
- Petri Lehtinen - Lt. Rikkiki Kokolainen
- Atte Joutsen - Captain Jonny K. Sherrypie
- Elsbeth Wyer - Computer voice (German)
- Kari Pikhala - Computer voice (Finnish)
Bridge crews[edit | edit source]
Colette Andree, Kris Bell, Sarah Birge, Simon Fezzo, Maria VeslemØy Gjerald, Minken Pernille Gjerald, Sabrina Landolt, Thierry Le Pennec, Martin Lejeune, Kari Pihkala, Pasi Pitkänen, Sanna Puha, Klemens Niklaus Trenkle, Fabian David Tschopp, Stephan Zehnder
Dramakulian soldiers[edit | edit source]
Stephanie Mesch, Marc Schultheiss
Stunt crew[edit | edit source]
Brigitte Bammerlin, Michael Mittag, Saskia Neidold, Andrea Pauli, Claudia Sälinger, Ronny Sälinger, Nick Schmidt, Sabrina Spörri, Marc Tschudin, (Bunter Haufen Basel).
Machine room crew[edit | edit source]
Michael Bersier, Priscilla Brunetto, Jing Chen, Sonja Eckhardt, Jerome Girard, Miriam Lauz, Harry Ramanatoanina, Leander Schulz, (Uni Fribourg).
Credits[edit | edit source]
- Director - Fabienne Gschwind
- Producer - Thierry Gschwind
- Screenplay - Fabienne Gschwind
- Visual effects supervisor - Thierry Gschwind
- Music - Tapani Siirtola
- Star Wreck created by Samuli Torssonen
- Executive producer:
- Thierry Gschwind
- Rudolf Gschwind
- Photography:
- Thierry Gschwind
- Fabienne Gschwind
- Additional photography:
- Rudolf Gschwind
- Kalle Max Hofmann
- Makeup artist - Ena Hawkings
- Costume - Fabienne Gschwind
- Costume (P-Fleet lady) - Thierry Gschwind
- Original Star Wreck costumes:
- Satu Niemi
- Leena Valli
- Props - Fabienne Gschwind
- Additional props - Kjell A. Ramfjord
- 2D effects:
- Thierry Gschwind
- Fabienne Gschwind
- Additional 2d effects - Kalle Max Hofmann
- 3D animations - Thierry Gschwind
- 3D modelling:
- Yann Sauvage
- Thierry Gschwind
- Original Star Wreck 3D modelling - Energia Productions
- Audio foley design - Fabienne Gschwind
- Original Star Wreck sound designs - Energia Productions
- 5.1 soundmix - Thierry Gschwind
- Concepts:
- Yan Pagh
- Angela Ruggero
- Dag Øivind Undseth
- Graphics design:
- Jani Salomaa
- Scott Mains
- Sara Audley
- Petri Liuhto
- Poster design - Philippe Van den Berge
- Translation (dialogue):
- Nita Lohi
- Seppo Hiltunen
- Kris Bell
- Subtitles:
- Stig Magnus Gjerald (Norwegian)
- Fabienne Gschwind (German, French, English)
- Seppo Hiltunen (Finnish)
- Isis Amelie Hjorth (Danish)
- David Jansson (Swedish)
- Dario Odobašić (Croatian)
- Angela Ruggero (Italian)
- Philippe Van den Berge (Dutch)
- Subtitlse(sic) correction:
- Edward Baileys
- Marie-Claude Gschwind
- Hanne Nuss
- Liana Vella-Zarb
- Fei Wang
- Additional equipment lent by:
- Max Schwank
- Connex-Film
- Facility manager and catering - Marie-Claude Gschwind
- PR coordination Finland - Sanna Puha
- Special thanks to:
- Jarmo Puskala
- Peter Versterbacka
Thanks to[edit | edit source]
Merethe Bruun, Pia Erkinheimo, David Jansson, Ralph Kaeppeli, Sami Laulajainen, Karolina Leikomaa, Oskar Lönnberg, Jack Malinowski, and everybody on Wreckamovie.
Locations provided by[edit | edit source]
- R.Gschwind & Cie AG, Oberwil
- Energia Productions, Tampere
- LTF and Sporveismuseet, Oslo
- Hacienda San Pedro, Dornach
- Restaurant Jägerstübli, Oberwil
- Restaurant Ochsen, Oberwil
Filming locations[edit | edit source]
- Oberwil, Schweiz
- Tampere, Suomi
- Oslo, Norge
- Stuttgard, Deutschland
- Uni Fribourg, Suisse
- Dornach, Schweiz
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- The film is set during the events of 'In the Pirkinning', chiefly between Pirk's construction of P-Fleet and the beginning of his campaign against Babel 13. Given that Stöcklin got life imprisonment at the end of '2pi', it is unlikely that he joined the campaign.
- The Dramakulian weapons seem to be Nerf blasters or water guns.
- Jonny K. Sherrypie, the arguable antagonist of 'In the Pirkinning', appears in a post-credits scene, complaining that he did not get a part in Iron Sky, a 2012 sci-fi film also made by Energia Productions. He even holds a prop eagle from that film.
- According to the film's Facebook page, 2pi is not a sequel to 'In the Pirkinning', which technically makes sense because, a) it was made by a different team, and b) because its events are taking place prior to 'In the Pirkinning'.